Friday, 19 October 2007

First Feedback on my Film Idea

Yesterday I got the first feedback from my fellow students and my Course Director on the feature film idea I've submitted as my final project - the movie I'm raising funds to make.

My contemporaries didn't buy it, and found it a bit gimmicky. But my Course Director thought that basing it around such a striking central idea, while brave, would make it extremely saleable if the bravery paid off. What it needs from here, she thought, was a lot of thought about genre and a really clever storyline that only becomes clear towards the end. So that's what I've got to do - sit down at my desk and force myself through a lot of hard days of thinking and writing. That will beef up my great starting point into a strong feature film.

While I was working on the idea a couple of days ago I was watching India scrape a win over Australia, struggling to get there after bowling the Aussies out cheaply. I didn't bet the market, but there were several times I thought of getting in - particularly when Australia's odds were around 4.5 at the end of their innings. If the Aussies struggle, it usually means the pitch is tricky - and sure enough, the price collapsed to 1.06 as the Indians fell to 60-odd for 6. However, even though I didn't play the markets this time I'm pleased that I identified value. Next time I'll go with my instinct.

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